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Friday, July 2, 2010

SnugZee Baby Photo Shoot - June 25, 2010

One week ago we did our very first "SnugZee Baby Photo Shoot" 6 babies + 6 Moms + 1.2 siblings per baby + 1 grandmother, or aunt, or both per baby + 1 cousin + the photographer + my own son on set + me = almost an entire sheet cake devoured by days end. (I've been on a diet since my son was born almost one whole year ago, so any excuse I can find to introduce a cake into the mix - ooh, pun! - I'm all over it...)

At the risk of being all awards-ceremonial about it, I really DO need to thank:

~ My mother-in-law for lending to us her beeeyooteefull house for the day. And just for being cool in general, cuz she really is. I know, I know, "you have a COOL mother-in-law??" Yes I do. Be jealous.

~ Alyssa Faye Photography for her amazing work, her patience, her calm laid back demeanor. Particularly when we were shooting two bebes simultaneously. If you're wondering how that's done, it goes a little something like this:

Step 1. Strap Baby 1 into his seat, affix his SnugZees as fast as you can all the while you're feeling your panic build as you start to hear the rumblings of a howl bubbling up to the surface

Step 2. *SNAP-SNAP-SNAP* pics, as fast as you can while singing and making googly eyes and baby talking in a voice that's increasing in tempo, pitch, and intensity...

Step 3. Swipe at the sweat that's starting to bead on your brow

Step 4. Slide Baby 1's car seat away from the window (lighting), and immediately slide Baby 2's car seat in it's place. Repeat Step 2 while simultaneously performing Step 5.

Step 5. Remove SnugZee from Baby 1's car seat, affix new SnugZee to Baby 1's car seat, try not to move Baby too much in the process while clicking your tongue in a desperate attempt to distract him from the fact that he is even IN his car seat.

Step 6. "Ok, you got those pics? Great, now SWITCH!!"

Step 7. Wipe sweat. Shoot Baby's mom an apologetic look. Ask her again "Are you sure I can't get you a piece of cake...?" (cuz cake makes everything better, right?) Consult wristwatch and note that Baby 3 and her entourage will be arriving in 7 minutes. Glance over at the pile of SnugZees that still need to be shot with Babies 1 & 2. Wonder for a split second what you got yourself into. Shake it off, and proceed like a warrior.

((( Alyssa - You truly were a pleasure to work with and I've got all kinds of other great project ideas in store for you. *rubbing hands together like a villain*)))

~ Thank you to the bebes for being sweet and adorable and innocent and pure and easily amused and flawless and thank you for being the epitome of "Perfection" and "Love" and "Tenderness" all rolled into one roly-poly-amazing-smelling-package. "You had me at: GUH!"

>>>> I want to interject that I'm really NOT some kind of emotionally unstable crazy baby-stalker lady. Everybody has their "thing" and babies are *my* "thing"... If I want to give virtual nose-nuzzles to other people's babies via my blog it's just me doing my "thing"...

~ And of course I have to thank the Moms. Not just for birthing some really really RIDICULOUSLY GOOD-looking bebes, but also for putting them in the car and driving them to our shoot. It's clearly evident to me that your babies are thriving and secure and happy and loved, and that's allllll you, right there. *DOUBLE-SNAPS FOR MOM!*

This might sound all cheesy McCheese-ness, but I don't believe in coincidences. I think every one of these babies was meant to be a founding member of:

"The Original SnugZee Babies Gang!!"

...only not like, violent and packin' heat....

1 comment:

  1. This is a really great slice of Alice. With extra frosting. :)


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